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CJ3B Beastie

Discussion in 'Builds and Fabricators Forum' started by browncoat, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. May 23, 2018

    Focker That's a terrible idea...What time? Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2014
    Sounds like harassment to me.
  2. May 23, 2018
    Steve's 70-5

    Steve's 70-5 Active Member

    Louisville, Ky
    Nov 12, 2009
    We got it easy here. This would keep a lot of junk off the road.
    Danefraz likes this.
  3. May 26, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Haven't heard from the engineer since sending him the last brake test and weighbridge ticket so presuming he is writing up certs. I hope.

    So I figured that over the weekend I can chase up that oil leak.
    Pulled the front off to get easy access and ran the motor to identify where the oil was coming from.
    Not the crankshaft seal like I thought, but the oil pump seems to be the problem.

    Oil seeping out from between the shaft and the pulley and being flung round by the centrifugal force.

    When I was first getting this ready to start I primed the oil through the engine by chucking a drill on to the nut and turning the pump to get oil up to the top of the engine.

    During that process it would appear that the nut stripped the threads off the shaft and I didn't notice, so the pulley has been loose and able to move in and out slightly on the shaft.

    That allows a small amount of oil to seep along the shaft and bypass the seal altogether because the pulley end is not held hard against the shoulder on the shaft.

    Pulled the oil pump off and re threaded the shaft from M12 to an M10 fine thread.

    Ordered another seal for it, but I think the original seal will be fine.

    Then figured it was as good a time as any to modify the sump to eliminate any possible chance of the front drive shaft clashing with it.

    The sump started like this,.

    Measured the depth of the dipstick from the sump joint so I make it the same.

    Cut off the T piece.

    Made up a new bottom, with new dipstick location and welded it all up, filled with water to test for leaks.
    Increased the sump oil capacity by around 1.2 litres as well so that can't hurt.

    While the sump is off I double checked the crank etc.
    Pics of the engine bottom end, nice and clean.

    An interesting shot of the oil squirter that directs oil under the head of the pistons, that's what makes these little engines so good to turbo.

    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Danefraz, ojgrsoi and ITLKSEZ like this.
  4. May 28, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Finished shot of the sump painted up before fitting it up.


    No leaks from either the oil pump area or the sump after a short test run yesterday so that's good news.

    Started on the speedo gear reducer unit this afternoon after finishing work for the day.
    47v6 likes this.
  5. Jun 1, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    I am now the proud owner of an engineering certificate that clears the beastie to go and get registered for road use.
    So that major hurdle is behind me.

    Finished the speedo gear and it now transmits to the stock jeep speedo very near to actual road speed.
    Installed the tacho which seems to work well.

    Did have a heap of issues this week with little things not quite working out how I had hoped on the jeep but I think we are over the hump.
    Lost the speedo inner cable. Don't ask how. Had to drive 200km round trip to find another one.
    Had to strip the beastie down to bare bones and get weighed again to have it closer to factory weight.
    Speedo was flicking until I worked out a tight spot in the outer tube was binding up the cable. So lots of head scratching and pulling bits apart trying to solve problems.

    Speedo reducer finished product.
    Before painted and cover plate on.

    Painted with cover on, after filling with pudding grease mix left over from the front knuckles.

    Installed to the transfer case output with the speedo cable spearing out to the right toward the front.

    A little bit of subtle decoration.
    It's called a Eureka flag, which probably wont mean a lot to you foreign weirdo's.:ausflag:

    So looking good to be able to get to the event next weekend.(y)
    Bowbender, ojgrsoi, Fly Navy and 5 others like this.
  6. Jun 1, 2018

    47v6 junk wrecker! 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Oct 25, 2006
    That gearbox you made is fantastic.
  7. Jun 3, 2018

    ozzyGeoff New Member

    Orange, Australia
    Jan 17, 2009
    Excellent! Look forward to seeing it on the weekend. You camping the weekend ?
  8. Jun 3, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Thanks 47v6, it's not as pretty as a pro made one but my bush mechanic version works OK, so far, so that's what matters.

    Planning to stay the Saturday night Geoff.

    Probably just going to do two days as we have other plans for the Monday.
    Are you heading up Friday night or getting there Saturday morning?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
    47v6 likes this.
  9. Jun 3, 2018

    ozzyGeoff New Member

    Orange, Australia
    Jan 17, 2009
    I drove up yesterday, staying at a mates place in Greta for a few days then going to the event on Friday.
  10. Jun 3, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    That's just up the road from me at Windella.

    Come by anytime you go past.

    I am home all the time working anyway.

    Check your messages for my phone number and shoot me a message if you want to have a preview.
  11. Jun 4, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Road legal:clap::clap:

    ojgrsoi, Rich M., Fly Navy and 7 others like this.
  12. Jun 4, 2018

    mortten I can’t put my finger on it 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Peninsula, Ohio
    Apr 17, 2006
  13. Jun 5, 2018

    Focker That's a terrible idea...What time? Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2014
  14. Jun 5, 2018

    homersdog Tulsa, Ok 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Tulsa, OK
    Jan 8, 2012
    Excellent! Just in time for the show!:beer:
  15. Jun 6, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Just in time.

    Caught up with ozzyGeoff today, it was a good opportunity to check out each others buggies before the weekend.

    Have been doing the final touches while the weather has prevented me doing real work.

    Did the housing for the radio and UHF system.

    As well as the centre console.
    Rich M., Fly Navy and 47v6 like this.
  16. Jun 6, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Tomorrow is Thursday here and the rain is expected to continue, so I plan to stitch up a quick bikini top in case the rain hangs around on the weekend.

    I think the bride will be happier if she is not getting soaked through.:lol:
    Bowbender likes this.
  17. Jun 6, 2018
    Fly Navy

    Fly Navy Member

    Emerson, IA
    Jun 6, 2014
    Outstanding work!
  18. Jun 10, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    Hello all, an update to let everyone know the beastie handled the first christening trip well.

    The bride took heaps of photos so once she downloads them from her camera I will load a few up here.

    Or maybe a new thread somewhere would be more appropriate for that?

    On the road down to the Jeep get together we needed a short stop to repair a coolant leak from one of the plugs on the blanked off heater outlet pipe on the engine.

    While overtaking a semi truck I started to see what I first thought might have been smoke streaming from the left side under the bonnet, so after a bit of a panic thinking that a oil line had let go, or a major oil leak had happened I pulled it over to the roadside where we discovered it was a capping plug that had a pin hole blowout in the side wall between the clamp wires, squirting onto the turbos exhaust body and instantly turning to a steam cloud.

    Managed to cover the pin hole with a band type hose clamp to seal the pin hole, topped up the radiator and got back on the road till I could get some hose and link the two heater pipes together and eliminate the plugs that were perishing from age.

    Other than that, no other mechanical or electrical problems came up.

    There was a display lineup of all the jeeps from earliest restored original MB's up to modern ones and everything in between, original condition and heavily modified.

    Did a short run in the bush on the Saturday and a full day in the wet on Sunday both on the medium difficulty level trips that the clubs had organised.

    Big shout out the the Cherokee club and the NSW Jeep club who put on the event, a very friendly atmosphere and everyone was very welcoming and the trips were well looked after with experienced lead vehicles who had done track recon's before the weekend, radio com's and a tail end charlie making sure no one got left behind.

    The bride lost her sense of humour around mid afternoon, roughly the same time she got soaked through from the rain and water drips off the roof, she did not see the funny side when we moved after being stationary for a while and a half a bucket of water came off the roof straight onto her legs.:madwife:

    Handles track work well enough, needs to have the rev's up to get the mostt out of it up the steeper hills but I am still learning how to get the best out of it and how much momentum I need to be carrying to get up the slippery tracks or over rock steps etc.

    On the road, sits on 100 KPH at around 2800 RPM which is a bit higher RPM's than I hoped it would but with the 5.38 diff ratios it is to be expected I suppose.

    Headed home Sunday night even though another day of the long weekend holiday was on offer, but we had other commitments.

    ozzyGeoff is still there and heading home today I believe.

    Met up with all the local guys (nicknamed the Maitland Mud Rats) who run jeeps and they are apparently happiest when they are deliberately covering each other in mud, so might have to work our way up to that level of crazy.:lol:
    One story related was getting a bow wave from a deep puddle to go through their mate's passenger side door and exit the drivers door.:rofl:
    When that group got back the jeeps looked to be covered in an inch of mud inside and out. (y)

    A good time was had by all.
  19. Jun 11, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016
    The line up.


    On the tracks.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    CJeep5, Muzikp, 47v6 and 1 other person like this.
  20. Jun 11, 2018

    browncoat Member

    Maitland Australia
    Sep 1, 2016

    Geoff coming up a track

    Some other vehicles showing the tracks we were on.
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