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Should I? 1975 CJ5

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by qrper, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Apr 17, 2007

    Strider380 Can I have a zip tie?

    New England
    Jan 12, 2006
    It's a fair price but I would keep looking. I paid $1125 for a 74 with a solid frame, repairable body, original seats, suspension was done, 33's with a second set of military style snow tires, a really nice rear bumper and front winch plate, and the selling point, the Ramsey winch. Boy were my friends glad. Nothing electrically speaking worked. I drove it home with no gauges on a battery, I6 that clunks like hell but runs fine ( I plan on a rebuild eventually) and the t-case and tranny are worn but work fine. By the way, that top is 3 times better then mine, no joke.
  2. Apr 17, 2007

    mrunnell Member

    Lafayette, IN
    May 21, 2006
    I would keep looking around. If you do not find anything in a few weeks or a month you might check back to see if it's still available. You could always offer a significantly lower price, justified by the needed repairs, and see if he bites. But once again it all depends on the amount of work, customization, and money you want to invest.
  3. Apr 17, 2007

    qrper New Member

    North lawrence Ohio
    Feb 11, 2007
    well it seems the tide has turned towards leaving it go...

    I did make a counter offer and he rejected it. The price includes getting it from his garage to my garage on a trailer or car hauler. I'am about 100 miles from the jeep so he was going to haul her over here..

    the electrical system seems to work. lights, gauges and so on work

    but look at the photos of the dash.. Is that the way a 75 Jeep dashboard is suppose to look?

  4. Apr 17, 2007

    Brieoff Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Yes, thats an intermediate dash.
    When you look on all the part websites all you will see is the 76 and forward dashes.
    Looks original (uncomplicated).
    I bought mine with a fiberglass body, running engine & tranny, fuel tank NIB, working electrical. No tires, junk brakes. My avatar is a picture I took when I first saw her.
    She needed quite a bit of work, she had been sitting under a shed since around 1985.
    I paid $1000 for her.
    I also wanted a project. All the rest of my cars just keep running; for a tinkerer thats a real problem. My CJ has filled that hole!
    I would agree with the rest of the guys, unless you have the money, time, & desire I would get one a little further along.
    Sounds like you made the right decision.
    Good Luck. Don't be discouraged.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2007
  5. Apr 17, 2007

    jpflat2a what's that noise?

    Hermosa, SD
    Jul 30, 2003
    { old salesmans saying}
    " the cheapest price doesn't always mean it's the best deal"
  6. Apr 17, 2007

    TheBeav1955 Member

    Wyoming, Mi
    Apr 14, 2004
    I would keep looking I paid $2000 for mine glass body 304 running d20 d44 rear d30 front. The Steering column had to be replaced rusted out at the bottom bushing but the PO had purchased a newer tilt column that was included so I just had to install that. I had to replace the tires and rims (plys seperated do to sitting a year but 400 later I was driving. Also the softtop was only about 4yrs old and still looks great. I bought it in 1999. Just my .02
  7. Apr 17, 2007

    pathkiller Member

    Lorton, VA
    Apr 17, 2005
    Spend a good hour under it with a screwdriver or an icepick and see just how bad the rust is. The frame might appear to be solid but you never know. Think about it this way, would you be willing to pay $1500 for a rolling chassis with running gear? Cause the body could very well be scrap. I'd have to think long and hard about that deal, you could start with a brand spankin new Matkins frame for about $1700 and find a junkyard 360 from a Waggy for a couple hundred. Add some junkyard axles for 2-300 and you've got the same setup.
  8. Apr 17, 2007

    Strider380 Can I have a zip tie?

    New England
    Jan 12, 2006
    some people unload jeeps for ridiculously cheap. you just have to be patient. I know...easier said then done.
  9. Apr 19, 2007

    qrper New Member

    North lawrence Ohio
    Feb 11, 2007
    I've made a counter offer...

    And right down the road from me i found a 81 CJ-7 in about the same rusted out shape. He wants $1200 for it... it appears to run too as it is sitting on a private used car lot.

    I have a fairly good feeling at if I wave $900-$1000 in his face, I've have a 81 Jeep.

    That being said, I really would like at CJ-5 and not the CJ-7.

    So I will have to see what the counter-counter offer will be.

  10. Apr 22, 2007

    qrper New Member

    North lawrence Ohio
    Feb 11, 2007

    I made my counter offer and of course it was countered too....

    Bottom line is $1300..with me going and getting it.

    I think from the feedback I received here, I am going to pass on this jeep.

    and just down the road I found a 81 CJ-7... totally rusted out.. but about $900-$1K

    but really want a CJ-5...

    Thanks everyone for the feedback... I am still looking!!

  11. Apr 24, 2007
    74CJ5 Renegade

    74CJ5 Renegade Member

    Houston, TX
    Dec 1, 2002
    I would save up and buy a better starting point. Nice deals pop up on Ebay all the time!
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