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Image | Title | Text |
Flag | :flag: |
Coffee | :coffee: |
Beer | :beer: :cheers: |
Smile | :) :-) (: |
Big Grin | :D |
Laugh | :lol: |
ROFL | :rofl: :roll: :rotflmao: |
Thumbs Up | (y) :thumbsup: |
Clap | :clap: |
Fixed | :bananatool: |
Not Worthy | :bow: :notworthy: |
Drool | :drool; |
Subscribed | :watch: |
Waiting | :waiting: |
Sleep | :sleep: :snore: |
Cool | :cool: 8-) |
Sneaky | :sneak: :naughty: |
Twisted | :twist: |
Ninja | :ninja: |
Steamed | :steamed: |
Mad | :mad: >:( :@ |
Mad Wife | :madwife: |
Bang Head | :banghead: |
Censored | :censored: |
Thumbs Down | :n: :thumbsdown: |
Worried | :worry: |
Sad | :( |
Cry | :cry: |
Wink | ;) |
Razz | :p :P :-p :-P |
Confused | :confused: :scratch: |
Crazy | :crazy: |
Roll Eyes | :rolleyes: |
Er...Uh? | o_O O_o o.O O.o |
Doh | :doh: |
Shock | :shock: :o :eek: |
Whistle | :whistle: :whistling: |
Suspicious | :susp: |
Oops | :oops: |
Schooled | :schooled: |
Study | :study: |
Shrug | :shrug: |
Blah Blah | :blah: |
Sick | :sick: |
Clown | :clown: |
Hello Kitty | :hellokitty: :kitty: |
Poo | :poo: |
Misc & Signs |
Kumbaya | :kumbaya: |
Me Me Me | :pickme: |
Rock'n | :rockn: |
Happy Dance | :banana: |
Rules | :contract: :deal: :rules: |
Welcome | :wel: |
Good Idea | :goodidea: |
Booo | :booo: |
Off Topic | :offtopic: |
Duck | :ducky: |
Panckae Bunny | :bunny: |
Need Pics | :pics: |
Poke | :poke: |
Bash | :bash: |
Dead Horse | :dhorse: :beat: |
Bump | :bump: |
Gaah | :gaah: |
I'm Sick | :ill: |
Australia | :ausflag: |
Canada Eh | :canflag: |
France | :franflag: |
modhat | :modhaton: |