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WTB Dana 27 From 230 Wagon Or Truck, Will Buy Or Trade For A 30

Discussion in 'All Other Jeep Related Classifieds' started by Tralehead, May 29, 2023.

  1. May 29, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    Yep, I want a D27 front axle from a later model Wagon or Truck. I believe these were standard on a 230 Tornado equipped vehicle, but not positive. Should have a 2 hole arm on the passenger side knuckle. Gear ratio doesn't matter but if it's a 3.54 I'll pay a bonus. My current vehicle has a transplanted Scout D30 with 3.54's but it's width bugs me. Yes, I'm open to trade.
    if you have one and you're more than 6 hours' drive away, you should have an idea on how to pallet and ship, of which I can pay for.
  2. Jun 1, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    Not getting any response, not like I expected any but hope springs eternal.
    And probably not the place to explain my dilemma but I'll toss it out there: Bought a 63 Wagon that has a Scout II front axle. P.O. did a decent job of adding manual Sag steering and caster wedges, it tracks well. But it's wider than a stock Wagon axle and even with custom offset wheels and pizza cutter tires they still peek out from under the fenders. And I'm just not a fan of oversized rollers that extend beyond the body; great look on serious wheelers but not on mine. So hence my search. Unfortunately I'm also up against the diff ratio of 3.54, love it but a ring and pinion set that size for early front axles is impossible to find.
  3. Jun 1, 2023

    dnb71R2 SuperDave 2023 Sponsor

    Grand Mesa, CO
    Aug 13, 2006
    From an off-road CJ owners' viewpoint: I'm not familiar with the wagon, but a stock narrow track Dana 30 is 3" wider than a Dana 27. You can expect to have 1.5" stick out on both sides of an early CJ with this conversion.
    It's not that noticeable on the CJ, and the sharper steering angle it offers, MORE than offsets the slightly unusual appearance. Aftermarket support for the 30 is much better than the 27. (y)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
    Keys5a, vtxtasy and Tralehead like this.
  4. Jun 1, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    Thanks, I need to educate myself on the various axle options. I guess the first place to start is overall width, plus spring pad width. Luckily I'm helping @BMoney with his ecj, so that's a good place to pull out a tape measure.
    Any clues as to where to find a narrow track 30 would be greatly appreciated!
    dnb71R2 likes this.
  5. Jun 1, 2023
    Andrew Theros

    Andrew Theros Member 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Los Osos, CA
    Feb 24, 2021
  6. Jun 1, 2023

    Norcal69 Out of the box thinker 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Northern California
    Sep 6, 2014
    Wanna trade a narrow track D30 with disc brakes and 3.54 gears for your SM465 and D300?
    Tralehead likes this.
  7. Jun 1, 2023

    FinoCJ 1970 CJ5 Staff Member

    Bozeman, MT
    Jul 18, 2013
    I don't think neither a narrow nor wide track CJ D30 is wide enough for a wagon. An NT cj D30 is like 53"? How wide is a WT CJ D30? OEM wagon D27 is 58.5 I believe ... I think the WT late cj D30s are like 57 wide - just a bit too short. Both here and OWF have a thread with the axle width chart for many of the axles.
    Bob - I know it's been discussed but I forget the details....the scout front axle is a D30 and not a D44? A 44 would be way more interesting in trade than a D30.
    Tralehead and vtxtasy like this.
  8. Jun 1, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    it's a D30,
    Several axle width charts out there, haven't found the one here or OWF. I'll keep looking. But on a Jeep forum it has 57 listed for a wagon.
    I know there's a standard way to measure, but I don't know what that is.
  9. Jun 2, 2023

    jeepstar Well-Known Member 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Jun 28, 2006
    Wheel mount surface to wheel mount surface. WMS.
    Tralehead likes this.
  10. Jun 2, 2023

    Keys5a Sponsor

    Florida Keys
    Jan 23, 2014
    I have exactly what you are looking for, but it’s a D25 (has “25” cast in the case in two places). I don’t think Willys used a D27 under the Wagons, unless maybe in ‘64 where only a handfull were built? Mine’s still under the frame of a ‘63 230 Wagon. It had a SBC in it when I got it, but it has the different firewall used for the Tornado 230’s. It is a 3.54 ratio, but the ring gear is missing a few teeth (I think the pinion is intact). At least the carrier should be good, and I think Herm and Kaiser Willys can supply fresh 3.54 gear sets. It does have the 2-hole knuckle.
    The biggest issue is I’m about as far away in the continental US as we could be. I can supply the BOM numbers if you are trying for a correct restoration.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
    Tralehead likes this.
  11. Jun 2, 2023

    Keys5a Sponsor

    Florida Keys
    Jan 23, 2014
    I also have Scout ll front axles that I can measure, but these are D44’s. I think the Scout 800 used a D30 up front.
    I think at least one of my D44 Scout axles has 3.54 gears, and others have 3.31 and 3.73 gears.
    The Scout ll front axles have odd caster angles that require, at minimum, caster wedges or repositioning the spring pads.

    I just went down and measured the width of my ‘63 wagon axle. It looks real close to 59-1/4” WMS. Its hard to measure alone, but hooking my tape on the outer edge of the drum shows about 57-7/8” drum to drum, then the wheel flange is approx 3/4” beyond the corner of the drum (each side).
    Edit: confirmed at 59-1/4” WMS for my ‘63 D25 Wagon front axle
    Confirmed at 59-3/4” WMS for my Scout ll disc brake D44 front axle (only 1/2” wider than Wagon)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
  12. Jun 2, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    The Wagon that is looking for it is a "63" 230. converted to a SBC. From what I've found, the 3.54 replacement parts are gone, possibly never to return. I assumed the 27's were used with the Tornadao.
    I currently have a Scout D30 under there, but it's width is 1.5" over the Jeep. And the guy set it up with caster wedges and crossover Sag, steers nice.
    Would love to have that 25, but yes, we've got a lot of land between us, might be shorter going through the canal!
  13. Jun 2, 2023

    Keys5a Sponsor

    Florida Keys
    Jan 23, 2014
    If you can locate a 3.54 D25 ring & pinion, Boston Bob sometimes does cross country deliveries. If this is an option, I might start looking for a western CJ5 tub thats solid.
  14. Jun 4, 2023

    sdcj6 Sponsor

    San Diego
    Sep 25, 2002
  15. Jun 4, 2023

    Glenn Kinda grumpy old man Staff Member

    Apopka, Fl
    Sep 21, 2002
  16. Jun 4, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    Actually, the gears are exactly what's needed. The ratio I need is proving very difficult to find. Beginning to question my sanity on this part of the project. I've got the "to-do" list separated into three categories: "feasible", "knotty", and "wish" . This axle project has slipped from the first to the last. :( Without the right ring and pinion I'd just be moving a hunk of iron from one storage spot to another, and paying for the privilege.
    But the minute I find the right internals....
  17. Jun 4, 2023

    sdcj6 Sponsor

    San Diego
    Sep 25, 2002
    I have the ring and pinion out of that front axle.
    It is a 39 ring and 8 pinion gear set.
    It is also attached to a Power Lok,
    Danefraz likes this.
  18. Jun 5, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    That's a 4.8 ratio :(

    Essentially, the only Wagon and Truck D25's that had 3.5 ratio were installed in 230 OHC Tornado equipped vehicles and even then those were rare.
    Yes, some CJ's came with a 3.54 D25, as did some Waggoneer and Glads, but then there's the width issue.
    There were some aftermarket 3.54 RnP sets briefly on the market, but have since been disco'd. You still run into the problem of finding or making the proper carrier.

    I'd probably be better off narrowing my current front D30.
    Or just living with it...
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
    Glenn likes this.
  19. Jun 5, 2023

    Glenn Kinda grumpy old man Staff Member

    Apopka, Fl
    Sep 21, 2002
    At this point have you considered regearing the rear?
    vtxtasy likes this.
  20. Jun 5, 2023

    Tralehead Member

    Silverado, CA
    Nov 7, 2022
    Not at all. 3.54 is a great ratio for a SBC (and they did exist). I just have a thing for my wheels staying under the fenders and wells. lots of other stuff needs money thrown at, including finding someone to swap out the trans and t-case, which requires a knowledge of welding and a shop, neither of which I have. I can swap out an axle but want/need all the right parts.
    Currently have a call in to Border Parts, fingers crossed.
    If it doesn't happen, not the end of the (Willys) world.
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